Tawesco Automotive has been selected as one of the best companies in the automotive industry!
Tawesco Automotive has been named one of the top six companies in the Automotive Business of the Year competition by the Automotive Industry Association. This year, a total of 74 companies participated in the competition.

This is the twenty-fifth time the association has announced the competition and selects the three most successful automotive companies in the category of over and under 250 employees. The participating companies were evaluated according to the basic economic results achieved in 2022.
Businesses of the Year with up to 250 employees:
Tawesco Automotive Ltd.
3M Czech Republic, spol. s r.o.
SULCO Automotive Group, s.r.o.
Businesses of the Year with more than 250 employees:
Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech s.r.o.
Strojmetal Aluminium Forging a.s.
Toyota Tsusho Europe SA Czech Republic Branch
The award ceremony took place during the Automotive Leaders Forum social evening in Prague. The awarded companies received handmade original glass sculptures in the shape of a horse from the workshop of glass master Lukáš Šulc from Železný Brod. Tawesco Automotive s.r.o. received the award on behalf of its managing director Margita Rejchrtová, who told us, "We appreciate this award very much. It is not only an appreciation of our work, but also a motivation for the future."
Tawesco Automotive is a major manufacturer and supplier in the automotive industry. It is involved in pressing and welding of steel and aluminium and its customers include leading European automotive companies. It has been part of our Promet Group since 2018.